This is the best dental office I’ve ever been to, and taken my family to. The dentists and technicians are friendly, warm, patient and caring. The wait is never too long. The work is gentle yet thorough. I’ve recommended Community Dental to several of my friends and family members and they agree, “the best!”
My only fear in leaving this review is that too many people will go there because of it and the wait will get long! LOL
Community Dental Group Blog
White Fluoride Stains Are Nothing To Worry About
Back when American settlers first built farms and towns in the west, some areas started to develop something called the Colorado brown stain. This is where brown stains and pits would start to show up on teeth, especially among kids who grew up in the region. Scientists and doctors soon discovered that these stains were connected to a large concentration of fluoride in the drinking water, but they also noticed that people with Colorado brown stain suffered fewer and smaller cavities than the national average. Read more
When Is It Time For A Sleep Apnea Appliance?
Millions of people snore. Some snore all night and in all positions, and some only snore when they sleep on their backs. The condition that causes snoring is a partially obstructed airway, which means the throat muscles relax to the point that they get in the way and vibrate as you breathe. But despite how that sounds, you can snore like a truck downshifting on the highway and have absolutely no trouble breathing at night. Sleep apnea is a step above even that. Read more
Flossing Won’t Hurt Forever
One of the biggest reasons why many people don’t floss, including both children and adults, is because of the pain that comes afterward. After running a piece of waxed string between their teeth, most people experience swelling and bleeding gums, and the swelling can take several hours to go back down. Worse yet, the same thing seems to happen after the second time you floss, too. Read more