Taking A Deeper Look Within

Taking A Deeper Look WithinWhen it comes to dental health, cosmetic appearances can become just as important as the actual physical functions that are being supported. At Community Dental Group, Inc., we often work with clients who initially contacted us for health care, and have also come to find that their emotional care is deeply tied to this process. The result of seeking professional care in dentistry then becomes a step towards overall wellness.

Below The Surface

Tooth loss is always a major concern for any resident in Newbury Park. Unfortunately, this can actually happen at any age, depending upon the underlying variables that have led to the condition.

  • Tooth decay
  • Abscesses
  • Gum disease
  • Bone deterioration
  • Accidental injury

All of these factors can be causative in cases of tooth loss. Although accidental injury can certainly be an unexpected occurrence, the other factors are ones which develop over time. This also means that catching an issue earlier may prevent further problems.

However, it is also important for individuals to realize that gum disease can develop in as few as two weeks, and once the tissue is impacted, it will continue to react to the negative stimulation. As a result, gum recession and tooth loss also becomes more likely.

Engaging in routine dental check-ups and care can be preventive, but many times, clients do contact after the problem has developed into a full blown emergency. When this happens, the care becomes both interventive and palliative.


More Than Physical Comfort

In coping with the loss of a tooth, either through removal or through deterioration to the point that the root is compromised, there are several issues that should be considered. The primary one is restoring the mouth to a healthier state, by removing rotten dentition or severed roots and ensuring that bacterial growth in this area is controlled. This provides the physical relief from pain and discomfort, and can also remove worry if it is an instance where a partial tooth is still in the mouth.

However, the secondary consideration has to do with both physical and emotional health after the immediate problem has been dealt with. The loss of one or many teeth can greatly impact lifestyle from a functional standpoint for eating and speaking, but it can also create a strained self image that is based on the appearance of the teeth.

In this respect, dental care also addresses the emotional impact that tooth loss can have on Newbury Park residents. The creation of replacement teeth, corrective measures to improve existing dentition, and full or partial dentures that are natural in fit and appearance will also play a part in how overall wellness is achieved. This can make many actions that are considered cosmetic also highly applicable in emergency and general health related situations.

While indicators of possible tooth loss such as pain, looseness of the teeth, or the appearance of surface cavities near the gum line should receive immediate professional attention, existing gaps or partial teeth should also be addressed for better oral health and for greater self-confidence in appearance.