What Are The Main Reasons To Consider Oral Surgery For Dental Implants?
When patients first find out that they might benefit from oral surgery, it’s not unusual to feel a little bit intimidated. After all, most people consider surgery to be a major step and something that could have significant complications.
It’s definitely true that any form of surgery carries some risk of side effects, however small. In the case of dental implants, though, the benefits strongly outweigh any risks for most patients.
Dental implants are screw-like constructions made from a strong metal alloy. They are placed inside the jaw bone, which is then allowed to heal over them during the natural healing process.
After this healing process is complete, then it becomes possible to anchor replacement teeth or crowns into the dental implant. The strength of the implant helps to keep the new replacements steady and ensure that they, in turn, will never need to be replaced.
The choice of whether to sit for oral surgery is completely up to you. No matter which decision you make, however, it’s important to have all the facts available to you.
To help you, we’ve compiled a short list of the key benefits of oral surgery.
Why Should You Consider o To Help Your Teeth? The Reasons Are Clear
Everyone’s situation is different, and the specifics should be discussed with your dentist. That said, however, most patients find the following benefits are involved in dental implant surgery:
Because of the way dental implants are anchored to the jaw, they help to distribute the force of your bite very similarly to your own natural teeth. That means that teeth surrounding the implant will be less likely to become crooked or cracked as they would if the tooth was never replaced.
Replacement teeth used with dental implants are made from highly advanced materials that are not susceptible to cavities the way your natural teeth are. This makes it easier to care for them. Once implants are in place, you will be able to continue brushing your teeth as you always have.
Multiple dental implants can usually be implemented at the same time, so the number of surgical visits will be minimal. Likewise, replacement teeth look exactly like your natural teeth, unlike some traditional fillings or other tools.
If you are interested in finding out more about oral surgery, we invite you to contact Community Dental Group. Throughout Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, and Newbury Park, we are consistently chosen for family dentistry.