Entries by CommunityDentalGroup

The Trouble With Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD, is a hard disease to pin down. The causes can vary widely, the symptoms are shared with a variety of other diseases, and the cures range from over-the-counter painkillers to drastic open-joint surgery. And as if all that weren’t enough, the fact that it concerns the mouth and jaw, the […]

What Is A Dental X-Ray For?

Ever since the first x-ray machine debuted, they’ve been an invaluable tool for doctors, dentists, and medical professionals of all kinds. Not only do they show the strength and state of every bone in your body (and without the need to cut a patient open in the process), they can also locate tumors and foreign […]

Diabetes And Dental Health

Those who suffer from both type I and type II diabetes have trouble regulating blood sugar levels because their pancreas can’t produce enough insulin to keep this level steady. This can have an effect on the individual’s energy level as they swing from a post-meal high to a post-insulin low, but diabetes also has an […]

Dental Hygiene Tips For The Golden Years

While it’s still more common than not for those of us over 60 to have one or more false teeth, modern dentistry techniques and dental hygiene products are allowing more and more Americans to carry at least some of their original teeth up past retirement age. But while that’s a fairly impressive accomplishment, old age […]

5 Things That Can Stain Your Teeth

While the ideal tooth is an unblemished white, most of us are willing to accept a somewhat off-white color as the cost of using our mouth to eat things. There are also various tooth-whitening products out there which do various things like eating away at the outermost layer of enamel, coating the teeth in a […]

Saliva Is More Than Just Wet

The inside of your mouth is wet – or at least it should be. There are glands all throughout your cheeks and jaw which produce saliva, a special liquid which only shows up in your mouth. Saliva keeps your tongue and your teeth nice and wet, but it also does a lot more than that.

The Danger Of Refined Sugar

You’ve likely heard a list of things you shouldn’t do if you want healthy, cavity-free teeth: don’t chew on anything you aren’t supposed to eat, don’t forget to brush and floss after meals, and stay away from strong acids and sugary foods. While it’s obvious enough that sour, acidic drinks can eat away at your […]