Entries by CommunityDentalGroup

The History Of A Healthy Smile

Dental hygiene is far from a recent development: throughout human history, people everywhere and in every society have done their best to keep their teeth clean and healthy. Failing that, they searched for ways to get unhealthy teeth out of their mouths as quickly and as painlessly as possible.

The Dangers Of Grinding Your Teeth

In fiction, grinding your teeth is one of the classic signs of stress and anger, up there with pulling out your hair and flipping various pieces of furniture. However, grinding your teeth, or “bruxism,” is a habit that can develop even without any significant stress or anger. Worst of all, you may never even realize […]

Bad Breath: It Might Not Be The Garlic

There are a variety of possible reasons which may explain why your breath doesn’t smell like roses and plum blossoms. Many of these reasons, like eating certain foods, aren’t a significant problem and there’s nothing you can or should do about it aside from masking the scent with a breath freshener. However, persistent bad breath […]

Braces And Good Dental Hygiene

Braces play an important role in making sure that your teeth come in straight and without any complications. This is important for making sure that your smile is good-looking and healthy, but it also ensures that your teeth won’t twist out of place years later. Improperly aligned teeth can cause practical problems along with cosmetic […]

Dentists: The Routine Specialist

It’s strange if you think about it. When it comes to the health of our bodies, Americans will typically act in a certain order: the first thing they’ll do is visit their regular doctor, either a general practitioner or a pediatrician. If the doctor discovers something wrong with the patient that some rest and a […]

Getting Used To New Dentures

So the apocalypse has finally come: your teeth have finally reached the point where your dentist thinks you should simply pull out the ones that are left and go with full dentures from now on. You were reluctant, but ultimately you knew your dentist was right. Now you have a full set of teeth again, […]

Why Should Kids Brush Their Baby Teeth?

Brushing your baby teeth seems like an exercise in futility. After all, it’s not like they’re going to stick around for very long – just half a dozen years or so and their replacements will start popping in one after another. So what’s the point in keeping them clean and cavity free when they won’t […]

3 Tips For A Healthy Mouth

We are what we eat, and to a large extent the nature of our diet is reflected in the size of our waistline and in the energy that keeps us going throughout the day. However, there is one other thing which our eating habits strongly affect, and that is the state of our teeth. What […]