Getting Your Child To Take Care Of Their Teeth

Getting Your Child To Take Care Of Their Teeth It’s the struggle of every parent, guardian and teacher, making sure kids are learning to take care of their teeth at a young age. There are many tactics in this fight. The difficult part being which one is going to work for your kid. Making oral hygiene a habit at an early age can save your young one a ton of agony later in life, use these tactics to find a scenario that works for you and yours. Read more

How Relevant Is Flossing?

How Relevant Is Flossing? You may remember a report last year that identified the fact that flossing had been dropped from federal dental guidelines. A mass hysteria ensued on social media, as people rejoiced that they didn’t have to floss anymore. Unfortunately, the cause of celebration should be short-lived. Read more

Should You Use Mouthwash?

Should You Use Mouthwash? We have spent a lot of time discussing the importance of brushing twice a day and flossing routinely, in order to control plaque and tartar buildup. Look in your bathroom cabinet. You’ll likely have a bottle of mouthwash sitting there. How can mouthwash impact your oral health? Read more

Brushing Your Teeth In The Morning

Brushing Your Teeth In The MorningWhen you wake up in the morning, your teeth probably feel GROSS. I know mine tend to! Brushing your teeth may be refreshing in the morning, but it also has practical health benefits. Read more

Fluoride And Your Kid’s Teeth

Fluoride And Your Kid’s Teeth Fluoride is an important mineral that strengthens tooth enamel and helps prevent tooth decay. Fluoride helps to reduce cavities in both children and adults. It also helps repair the early stages of tooth decay, even before the decay becomes visible. Read more

Cavities In Adults

Cavities In AdultsWhen I was a young kid, I remember trips to the dentists. After my cleaning, I remember the dentist telling me that I had no cavities, at which point the hygienist would walk me over to the “Prize Chest.” It was something I was proud of! No cavities! Read more

4 Tips To Making Flossing A Habit

4 Tips To Making Flossing A Habit  Flossing your teeth is one of the most important and neglected parts of dental hygiene. Every time you come and visit us we will comment on flossing, we know it is annoying but it is important. Therefore we figured we could give you some tips for keeping up with a regular and healthy flossing schedule. Read more

Diabetes And Your Dental Hygiene

Diabetes And Your Dental HygieneDiabetes is not a disease that should be taken lightly. It can harm many parts of your body, from the eyes to the kidneys and more. For those who live with diabetes, being on-top of your health is important; it can be a matter of life and death. From what you eat to what you do, you’re always aware of how your health and body can be affected. Read more

Clean Teeth Has It’s Advantages

Clean Teeth Has It’s Advantages  Some people are afraid to go to the dentist. They avoid going until they have a dental emergency; a cracked tooth or an intense amount of pain is often what leads people into the dentist’s chair. What most people don’t understand is: if they just got regular cleanings, they wouldn’t end up in so much pain to begin with. Read more

Dental Heath Leads To Heart Health

Dental Heath Leads To Heart HealthWe all know someone who proudly boasts that they have never had a cavity even though they rarely brush or floss their teeth. Yet, even though you are faithful to the floss, you’ve had two or three already. You wonder why you even bother! Truthfully, though a lack of cavities is lucky, people who don’t brush their teeth or floss can end up with a host of other problems, such as gum disease, which can end up putting their heart health in jeopardy. Taking time to care for your teeth is as important to your health as getting enough sleep, excising, and eating well. Read more