What Beverages And Foods Should I Avoid After Having My Teeth Whitened?

What Beverages And Foods Should I Avoid After Having My Teeth Whitened?Professional tooth whitening is one of the more cost-effective cosmetic dental procedures for restoring your natural smile. When your teeth are discolored or stained and you are hesitant about smiling, it can adversely affect your self-esteem and leave a bad first impression when meeting someone for the first time. At Community Dental Group, we have always instructed our patients how to properly care for their teeth after we have whitened them. This includes the beverages and foods you need to avoid consuming after the procedure. Read more

Exploring The Different Tooth Whitening Options

Exploring The Different Tooth Whitening OptionsCommunity Dental Group is well aware of the importance of a person’s smile and what it says about them. It is one of the first physical features that people notice about you. So it goes without saying that a bigger, more confident smile tells others how good you feel about yourself and how happy you are with your life. However, if your smile is not that bright or your teeth are stained, it doesn’t matter how confident you are because others may get the wrong impression about you. Read more

Is Teeth Whitening Right For You?

Is Teeth Whitening Right For You?Are you reluctant to smile because your teeth aren’t as bright and white as you want them to be? If your teeth are discolored and/or stained, you will most likely be too self-conscious when it comes to letting people see your smile. If you have been looking for a solution to the problem, we offer one of the more cost-effective and popular non-surgical cosmetic dentistry methods – teeth whitening. However, before you get started, you should determine whether or not you are a candidate for this procedure. Read more

Benefits Of Professional Teeth Whitening

Benefits Of Professional Teeth WhiteningFrom a psychological standpoint, people form up to 20 appearance-based value judgments about you within the first 12 to 15 seconds of making your acquaintance. Your smile is a critical component of this equation and is typically the first aspect of your appearance that people notice about you. Whether you are conducting a meeting or seminar, going out on a first date, or interviewing for a career position, if you are not happy with your smile, you may be a candidate for professional teeth whitening. Read more

Professional Teeth Whitening And What You Should Know About It

Professional Teeth Whitening And What You Should Know About ItWithout a doubt teeth whitening has rapidly become one of the cosmetic dentistry industry’s most popular treatments. This shouldn’t be that hard to understand considering how quickly this works and the fact that it is normally painless for the individuals who undergo treatment. Depending on the treatment you select, you should be able to see dramatic results within a relatively short period of time. However, there are certain aspects of teeth whitening that you need to know about before making the decision to proceed. Read more

Why Fluoride Is Important For Teeth Whitening Toothpastes (And Even Water!)

Why Fluoride Is Important For Teeth Whitening Toothpastes (And Even Water!)In today’s society, more and more people are taking a proactive approach to ensuring that they stay healthy. That includes looking more closely at the chemicals that they use every day.

When examining the way we use chemicals in society, one question that comes up on a fairly regular basis is about fluoride. Fluoride is used in a variety of products, including toothpastes. Read more

What Are The Worst Foods To Eat When It Comes To Keeping Your Teeth White?

What Are The Worst Foods To Eat When It Comes To Keeping Your Teeth White?It’s no surprise that what you eat has a major impact on the overall health of your teeth. However, many people don’t realize just how profound the effect of your diet on your teeth can really be.

If you are thinking about teeth whitening or just trying to maintain a whiter smile yourself, there are definitely some foods that you should moderate your intake of — or avoid entirely. Being aware of these will help you to get and maintain better results. Read more

For Whiter Teeth, Cut Down On Cola Drinks

For Whiter Teeth, Cut Down On Cola DrinksWhat is the one thing that’s making it more difficult than anything else for you to maintain a whiter, healthier smile? Believe it or not, the answer could be your cola intake, especially if you are drinking colas with lots of added sugar.

Many people have seen viral videos on the internet where cola has been used to clean metals, has been boiled down to show just how much syrup is used in it or — perhaps most tellingly — has been used to soak and ultimately destroy a lost tooth. Read more

Should You Choose Over The Counter Or Dentist Tooth Whitening?

Should You Choose Over The Counter Or Dentist Tooth WhiteningSome people wonder whether they can get tooth whitening results that are “just as good as a dentist” if they use over the counter whitening aids. Is there any advantage to going to the dentist for whitening versus using the best commercial products?

Let’s set aside the fact that some products may not be able to live up to their claims — many commercial whitening products really are effective in whitening teeth. So, how does a dentist stack up by comparison? Let’s look at some of the reasons why a dentist is preferable.

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What To Know About OTC Teeth Whitening Gels

What To Know About OTC Teeth Whitening GelsEveryone loves a nice, white smile — so it is no surprise that many people use over the counter whitening gels to improve the look of their teeth.

Generally speaking, these gels are harmless. If used correctly and on a regular basis, they can often live up to the claims of improving the look of your teeth. Read more