Should You Choose Over The Counter Or Dentist Tooth Whitening?

Should You Choose Over The Counter Or Dentist Tooth WhiteningSome people wonder whether they can get tooth whitening results that are “just as good as a dentist” if they use over the counter whitening aids. Is there any advantage to going to the dentist for whitening versus using the best commercial products?

Let’s set aside the fact that some products may not be able to live up to their claims — many commercial whitening products really are effective in whitening teeth. So, how does a dentist stack up by comparison? Let’s look at some of the reasons why a dentist is preferable.

Deeper Whitening

With the methods we use here at Community Dental Group, we are able to produce whiter and brighter teeth than commercial products can. Simply, “over the counter” solutions just can’t whiten your teeth nearly as many shades as what a dentist can provide.

Faster Results

While over the counter whitening is often successful in the long run, results can take months. This helps to ensure that your teeth will not be abraded by harsh chemicals that can remove surface stains. On the other hand, dental tooth whitening can take as little as an hour.

More Opportunities For Savings

It can take a lot of experimentation and many purchases before you find the whitening product that’s right for you. Although a whitening procedure is more of an investment, there’s no guesswork involved and you don’t have to buy a multitude of products.

Less Risk Of Discomfort

Some individuals have reported pain and sensitivity in the teeth and gums after using commercial whitening products. This is realistic, because such products can include abrasive chemicals. You may not know what your reaction to them will be until you try them.

Don’t Be Shy: Get A Smile You’ll Be Proud Of With Community Dental Group

When it comes to the best tooth whitening experience you can get, going to a dentist wins hands down. If you want nearly immediate results that will be both dramatic and lasting, you simply can’t go wrong by using a local dentist that you trust.

Here at Community Dental Group, we are proud to share the best tooth whitening techniques with our visitors from Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, Westlake Village, and throughout the region. Our methods are safe, effective, and lasting.

Want to get started right away? All you need to do is give us a call. We’ll answer all your questions and even get you set up with an appointment. Your teeth will be whiter before you know it.

Don’t delay: Reach out now and secure your spot for the best tooth whitening.