Cosmetic Dentistry Is Fast And Affordable When You Use Community Dental Group

Cosmetic Dentistry Is Fast And Affordable When You Use Community Dental GroupIf you’re thinking about cosmetic dentistry, it’s time to take action and enjoy the results.

Many people might not realize just how quickly and easily you can reap the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, but the process we use here at Community Dental Group is truly one of the fastest.

Let’s consider your options when it comes to whitening your teeth:

  1. Ordinary Brushing and Flossing Alone
    Ordinary brushing and flossing is unlikely to produce any meaningful change in the whiteness of your teeth. This is because the majority of stains visible on your teeth are ground in significantly into the porous outer surface of your teeth.
  2. Whitening Creams, Powders, And Toothpastes
    While the majority of whitening products out there will work eventually, it can take up to a year before you will see a meaningful change. This is because the chemicals used in over the counter whitening agents need to be very gentle in order to be sold directly to consumers.
  3. Whitening Treatments Through Community Dental Group
    Community Dental Group uses a powerful treatment that nonetheless won’t expose your teeth or gums to anything harsh or abrasive. A specialized whitening gel is combined with the use of medical lasers in order to activate the gel and eliminate surface stains very quickly.

The whole process usually takes only about an hour, and it can be repeated for more results.


You’ll Be Amazed At The Difference When You Visit Community Dental Group

Community Dental Group has been serving the area of Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park and Westlake Village for years. Part of that commitment is making sure that the full complement of dental services is available for as many residents of the community as possible.

Although cosmetic dentistry is rarely covered by health insurance, that does not mean it is out of reach for you. We can provide you with a cosmetic dentistry plan that will be affordable, even if you’re paying in cash.

There’s no reason why you should go even a single day more without the smile you want, so call Community Dental Group today. We’ll be glad to advise you on potential costs and answer all of your questions related to cosmetic dentistry.

Community Dental Group is a leading local dental office with almost two decades of expertise. We look forward to helping you just like we’ve done with thousands of others.