Why Your Dentist Can Whiten Your Teeth Better Than You Can

Why Your Dentist Can Whiten Your Teeth Better Than You Can Having a clean and beautiful smile can change people’s lives. It is commonly said that just smiling, even for no reason can help you feel happier, but what if you don’t want to show your smile because you are embarrassed? In American culture and especially in Southern California beauty is the beast. It is an important part of how we are viewed and how we a carry ourselves. We want you to be able to smile with confidence and be happy in the brilliance that you smile exudes. Know that even if you have been taking care of your teeth at home, there are often more options to get that bright white you are looking for.

Home Remedies For White Teeth

We often see patients that are using a whitening toothpaste and rinse at home that you have not been satisfied with the results. This is common and it doesn’t actually mean you are doing anything wrong. Stain removal is one of the hardest things to do and home whitening kits can leave a contrast in spots on your teeth still leaving you with lacking confidence in your smile.

Other times we see people who have had a little bit of success overtime with home whitening but they are just not able to obtain the shade they are looking for. This can be because it is difficult to remove and reverse damage already done to the color of your teeth. It may help a little bit but luckily there are professional options that will help even more.

Professional Teeth Whitening

At Community Dental Group we can provide a special service that will go above and beyond and whitening you have had before. We begin by cleaning your teeth completely, to make sure any stains or plaque we can get off has been removed. Then we overlay a specialized whitening gel that is activated with a medical laser. We have shown that within about 60 minutes the teeth have become several shades whiter. We are also able to penetrate deeper and remove deep stains that brushing and rinses cannot get to. If you are really having trouble with getting a white smile, using our professional options is a definite must.