Is Flossing Really Important?
At Community Dental Group, we often hear our patients ask if flossing is really all that important, and the only answer we can give is a resounding yes! You may think you’ve reached every nook and cranny with a simple twice per day brushing routine, but you’d be amazed at all the plaque and debris you’re actually missing! The decision not to floss can be the decision to put yourself at risk for tooth decay, and we want all of our Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, and Westlake Village, California patients to know the power and the importance of the floss!
First and foremost, when you chew, food will get caught in between your teeth. You may notice this when you eat tougher foods like a steak, or something chewy like a caramel, but debris seems to infiltrate pretty much every nook and cranny in the mouth. Brushing will typically focus on clearing plaque and debris from the teeth’s surfaces, but it won’t be able to reach these small difficult places, and this leaves this debris to settle there and pose damage to your teeth. As the food breaks down naturally in these regions, enzymes will begin breaking down the tooth’s enamel as well, and this is one major factor that leads to cavities popping up between teeth.
Flossing isn’t only important to your teeth, but to your gums as well, and plaque or debris can get stuck on the tooth right under the gum just like it can get stuck in the crevices in between teeth. When this debris is left to settle in this area, this can lead to inflammation, irritation, and disease of the gums, all of which cause discomfort and the breakdown of your tooth’s natural surface.
A flossing session doesn’t need to be long, painful, or difficult, and flossing just twice a day to start is often sufficient. We at Community Dental Group recommend flossing after each meal, and carrying a small package of floss with you in your car or bag, as this can help you to stay on top of any debris before it becomes a problem. With regular flossing, you’re likely to see a steep decrease in dental problems and discomfort, and your trips to the dentist will become far more pleasant.