The Mental Side Of Dental Floss
When it comes to good oral hygiene, a complete routine of brushing, flossing, and swishing should be utilized at least twice a day. However, while the importance of flossing is recognized by our Newbury Park clients, we also find that many people feel this is more of supportive practice to actual brushing, and often forgo this task in favor of conserving time.
What is highly important about flossing is that it addresses gum health very strongly, and should always be a part of any regular routine. Along with removing debris from between the teeth in order to better protect dentition, flossing also helps to stimulate circulation in the gums, while further removing plaque build-up that can cause infection in the mouth. This can mean that regular check-ups are less painful and faster, but it also means that greater preventive measures are being taken to ensure health.
Learning To Floss
Another important point that Newbury Park clients are often amazed by is the fact that correct flossing is actually rarely practiced. This tends to be because the main focus is on removing particles between the teeth, while never really attending to the gums. This can also become important for people who frequently use toothpicks, as the abrasive edge will help with particles, but can lead to further gum irritation.
Beyond helping our clients learn about the actual practice of flossing, we often field questions as to the best products for this endeavor. The truth is that it can vary by individual, but flosses which also contain fluoride can be best since they help to further nourish the teeth in places where the tooth brush cannot reach. However, even when cleaning tight spaces between the teeth, comfort should also dictate how healthy the practice is.
- Floss with an upward motion, so that debris is removed and not shoved further into the gum line
- Guide the floss around the tooth, so that sides, fronts, and backs are all receiving attention
- Advance the surface of the floss with each tooth, so that bacteria is being removed, and not just redistributed
Along with home practices for better flossing, professional care can also provide the proper guidance in this area. This can mean the difference between just thinking that you have healthy teeth and actually having great oral health.