Oral Health And A Good Night’s Sleep

Oral Health And A Good Night's SleepGetting a good night’s sleep is a major concern for Westlake Village, CA, residents, especially since poor sleeping habits can lead to a variety of complications.

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Lower stress thresholds
  • Poor immunity
  • Lack of focus
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Chronic pain conditions

For this reason, it can be very important for residents to evaluate their bedtime habits in order to allow the body the necessary time to recharge. However, even the best efforts to relax and positively decompress before getting in bed can be sabotaged by physiological conditions that impair proper rest.

The most common issue that Westlake Village residents do face is sleep apnea. At its most basic, this condition is when breathing is either impaired or fully blocked during the sleep cycle. The result is that people are never able to fully relax and repair, but they are also put more mentally on edge for the fear of not being able to breathe.

Sleep apnea is very common, and while some people may have chronic issues with the condition, nearly everyone experiences sleep apnea at least once in their life. However, when the occurrence is common place, it can become a health hazard, both mentally and physically.

There can be a number of reasons as to why sleep apnea is happening, but the general mechanism is that the airways become blocked by the epiglottis or swelling in the back of the palate. Correcting the issue can rely on a number of interventions, from basic to more complex. In many cases, the use of a mouth guard can keep the jaw in alignment during sleep, and this prevents the soft tissue from settling and obstructing the throat.

Although some cases can require oral surgery, the result is still the ability to offer Westlake Village residents the chance of a good and restorative night’s sleep. This alone can greatly impact future wellness, and overall quality of life.