Put Aside Those Whitening Pastes And Other Gimmicks And “Go For” Cosmetic Dentistry

Put Aside Those Whitening Pastes And Other Gimmicks And “Go For” Cosmetic DentistryThe team at Community Dental Group understands that having a bright, white smile can be a huge motivator for people. Even if you find brushing tedious, feel flossing is uncomfortable, or have sensitivity that makes dental care difficult, odds are you still want white teeth.

Many of our patients have been striving to make their teeth whiter for years, using things like whitening gels and pastes. However, it’s important to understand that there are two major disadvantages to these kinds of “OTC” methods.


Cost is a consideration for just about everyone these days. Sadly, though, the cost of whitening gels, pastes, rinses, and gums that may or may not work continues to rise. These items can add a significant amount to your grocery bill over time.

Long-Term Dental Health

In order to remove stains from the porous surface of your teeth, abrasive chemicals are used in “OTC” products. When these chemicals are powerful and fast-acting, they also tend to have a higher risk of damaging your teeth and making them more sensitive.

Likewise, if they are not fast-acting, then there is a chance that they will not have a noticeable effect on your teeth. Either way, you are paying for something that could result in a net loss in terms of your dental health.

Don’t Wait: Treat Yourself And Go For Professional Cosmetic Dentistry Services Instead

When you use professional cosmetic dentistry from Community Dental Group, you can rest assured that you are getting a high quality service that takes your specific needs into account. We evaluate your needs and work on the right treatment for you.

Yes, dental services can be a significant one-time investment: However, if white teeth are very important to you, odds are good that you will save over time. Plus, you can protect your teeth from the health risks that can be associated with commercial treatments.

Cosmetic Dentistry Has Never Been More Accessible

At Community Dental Group, one of our goals is to bring cosmetic dentistry to everyone. Your very own friends and neighbors in Newbury Park, Thousand Oaks, and Westlake Village have already been using us for many years. Isn’t it your turn to get a beautiful, white smile again?

Community Dental Group welcomes new and returning customers. To get all the facts about cosmetic dentistry and how it can make you look and feel better, call or email us today. We will be more than glad to answer all of your questions and set an appointment at your convenience.

The sooner you call, the sooner you can enjoy white teeth, so reach out today.