Some Unpleasant Facts About Oral And General Health

Some Unpleasant Facts About Oral And General HealthThe quality of a person’s oral health can be as much based on genetics and family history for tooth disease as it can be based on the routine practices of brushing, flossing, and especially getting regular check-ups. At Community Dental Group, Inc., we often see clients who feel as though dental issues have come as a sudden surprise, when these problems have actually been developing over time.


DIY Dental?

One of the larger perspectives that we work to iterate with clients is the fact that true oral care is a combination of positive and health behaviors that also include the use of professional insight for preventive and interventive actions. However, since so much of oral care is really self regulated by individuals, this also creates the misconception that routine brushing and flossing is sufficient to promote dental health.

These actions are important for individuals to maintain, but another unfortunate fact is that many people are not fully aware of dental problems can also impact overall wellness. While the correlation between bacteria within the mucosa of the mouth and heart disease is documented, this is not the only risk outcome of poor oral hygiene.

  • Bone deterioration – poor oral care, especially pertaining to the gums can lead to mandibular degeneration. This not only presents as a painful condition, but can also impact speech, eating, and other lifestyle habits.
  • Infections – this can pertain to decomposition in the gums or the roots of teeth, but infections in the jaw can rapidly spread through the sinus cavities and generate life threatening situations.
  • Reduced immune function – just as a balance in gut bacteria is important to immune health, the balance of oral bacteria can also influence health responses. Extreme inflammation in the mouth can cause a reduced systemic immune response, but can also be responsible for the development of auto-immune conditions.

Although routine home care does aid in addressing these concerns, regular dental check-ups further improve positive health outcomes for both oral and overall wellness.


An Integrated Effort

One of the reasons it is important for residents in Thousand Oaks to stay aware of these adjunct dangers for poor oral health is that it also reinforces the necessity to integrate professional services with basic routines. In many ways, this mirrors the interconnectedness and balance that is strived for within the body, by offering a manifest means of taking responsibility for health.

While challenges to oral health can come from both lifestyle and genetics, people should still recognize that the resources to prevent chronic illness and dental problems are easily at hand. By partnering with the dental team for both prevention and intervention, much of the unpleasantness of poor oral health can be avoided.