Entries by CommunityDentalGroup

Tooth Sensitivity – Ouch!

Do you have to wait until your coffee is room temperature before you can drink it? Does the thought of ice cream give you goosebumps? Speaking from experience, I would be willing to bet that you are suffering from sensitive teeth. You may hear about sensitive teeth in commercials or see an advertisement in passing, […]

Dental Care Post-Retirement

Many seniors may not realize that dental care is not covered by Medicare. However, as seniors age, it is important to still maintain good oral health. Tooth decay and gum disease have been linked to pneumonia and heart disease. Regular cleanings and checkups are as important in seniors as it is for anyone else. The […]

Teeth Grinding – Symptoms, Causes, And Solutions

If you’ve been suffering from headaches and aren’t sure why, it is possible that you are suffering from teeth grinding while sleeping. If you wake up with sore teeth and jaws, you likely could be suffering from what is known medically as bruxism. This condition can develop at any age, and is often done unconsciously […]

Best Ways To Whiten Teeth

If you’re here reading about dental care, it’s safe to assume you care about your teeth. And if you care about your teeth, it may be safe to assume you care about having a smile that shines. Unfortunately, in today’s world, there are hundreds of at-home kits and do-it-yourself options for whitening, making the process […]

Fluoride And Your Kid’s Teeth

Fluoride is an important mineral that strengthens tooth enamel and helps prevent tooth decay. Fluoride helps to reduce cavities in both children and adults. It also helps repair the early stages of tooth decay, even before the decay becomes visible.

Cavities In Adults

When I was a young kid, I remember trips to the dentists. After my cleaning, I remember the dentist telling me that I had no cavities, at which point the hygienist would walk me over to the “Prize Chest.” It was something I was proud of! No cavities!

Don’t Let Sleep Disorders Ruin Your Marriage

Snoring is one of the most often heard complaints when it comes to marital issues. It causes more problems than we usually consider because it is often seen as a silly thing to get upset about but the repercussions of letting it slide can be catastrophic for a relationship. Snoring isn’t the only sign of […]

4 Tips To Making Flossing A Habit

Flossing your teeth is one of the most important and neglected parts of dental hygiene. Every time you come and visit us we will comment on flossing, we know it is annoying but it is important. Therefore we figured we could give you some tips for keeping up with a regular and healthy flossing schedule.