Let’s Talk Tongues

Let's Talk TonguesAt Community Dental Group, we are committed to helping all of our clients in the Newbury Park, CA, are achieve a better state of wellness that impacts all of a person’s quality of life. Oral hygiene and dental health are key components to preventive care that can also reduce risk factors for such conditions as:

  • Cardiac disease
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Systemic inflammation
  • Further tooth loss
  • Bone degeneration in the jaw

At the root of most dental problems, the factor of bacteria plays one of the largest roles. While naturally occurring bacteria in the mouth can be beneficial for digestion and other physiological functions, an overgrowth of these organisms can also lead to poor health. This is why brushing twice a day and keeping up with dental exams can be integral to maintaining quality of life.

While many of our clients in Newbury Park are devoted to oral health with flossing, brushing, and rinsing, there is always one part of the mouth that gets overlooked. The papillae of the tongue are a highly dense network of micro-villi that can also trap particles and bacteria deep in the surface of the tongue.

Although brushing and rinsing can eliminate some of these organisms, a good analogy is to think of the tongue as a shag carpet, and imagine that the bacteria are dirt and debris that is trapped within the nap. Reducing these bacteria can be successfully done by using such tools as:

  • A tongue scraper
  • Toothbrushes that include a reverse side for tongue cleaning
  • A soft bristle toothbrush that is used solely for cleansing the tongue

The result of engaging in this practice is that many people who struggle with maintaining oral health, even when they do have good regular routines, will find a lessening of gum irritation and a reduction in bad breath. This makes it important to remember that all of the mouth is involved when good dental hygiene is considered.