Root Canal Post-Operative Care Instructions

Root Canal Post-Operative Care InstructionsMany individuals have a fear of visiting the dentist, especially if they have to undergo certain procedures such as endodontic therapy or a root canal as it is more commonly called. There are several things you can do to decrease the pain and discomfort that you experience and to speed up the recovery period. The following is a list of the instructions that we provide our patients with here at our Community Dental Group facility in Thousand Oaks:

Do not use the treated tooth when biting or chewing until the restoration of it has been completed during the procedure.

Brush your teeth and floss in between them after every meal just like you normally would since proper oral hygiene habits are even more important after restoring your tooth or teeth.
If any of the following 4 factors develop and become noticeable, please contact Community Dental Group immediately:

  • Allergic reactions to prescribed medicines including hives, itching, or rashes (NOTE: this does not include nausea or vomiting as these are not classified as allergic reactions)
  • Swelling on the inside or outside of your mouth
  • You are experiencing unevenness in your biting or chewing
  • Your original symptoms have flared up or returned

Despite the complexities of root canal therapy, the procedure is only one step towards total tooth function and restoration. To ensure long-term success of the therapy, we will perform a final restorative procedure as this is extremely important. Once the appropriate treatment has been followed up with a final restoration, the tooth should remain functional as long as your remaining natural teeth.

Be sure that you schedule the appropriate follow-up appointments and regular dentist visits with Community Dental Group until your endodontic therapy is completed. If you would like more information regarding root canal therapy or any of our other dental services, we suggest you contact us immediately.