The Secrets Of Flossing

The Secrets Of FlossingThe odds are pretty good that since you were in elementary school you’ve had the importance of good oral hygiene discussed over and over again. That’s because your oral health can impact you in numerous ways. And there’s no question that the way you brush will have a major impact on your oral health. But flossing is important as well, and understanding its secrets is very important.

The first secret is just how important it is. All dentists agree that flossing is every bit as important as brushing, and some feel that it’s even more important than brushing. The reason is that the leftover food particles between your teeth can cause bacteria, plague buildup, and more. It can trigger bad breath, gum disease, rot, and more. In short, flossing is a vital part of your oral hygiene.

Now that you understand the importance of flossing, you’ll need to understand the keys to doing it right. This is pretty simple, and you’ve probably already been told the basics. Sliding the floss down the side of each tooth moving it up and down several times is the basic strategy, and one that you should stick with.

But a few extra tips can help you get better results:

• The kind of floss you use matters. If you have narrowly spaced teeth, the traditional fibrous floss may tear or shred when you use it. Look at ‘flat’ floss made from different materials if you have trouble flossing properly.

• Floss holders or ‘flossers’ are also available, and place a piece of floss between a prong on a handle. This helps make it easier to reach back teeth and get good results, plus they’re convenient when you’re traveling.

• You can also buy a water flosser – a kind of machine that you fill with water and then spray out a concentrated blast from. This really gets in between teeth, and while it’s a little extra work to use it’s well worth it.