The Truth About Tooth Whitening

The Truth About Tooth WhiteningWhat Causes Tooth Discoloration?

Even the most diligently brushed teeth will begin to show stains over time. Yellowing occurs as porous tooth enamel absorbs stains. Many things can lead to tooth discoloration. What you drink can certainly have an impact on the appearance of your teeth. Colored beverages like soft drinks, red wine, and coffee or tea can lead to yellowing. Certain antibiotic medications, such as tetracycline, can also cause tooth discoloration. Poor oral hygiene and tobacco use also reduce tooth whiteness. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of genetics.

But don’t give up your morning coffee or swap your nightly glass of red wine for white just yet. Dental whitening is like a deep cleaning for these deep-down tooth enamel stains. A single whitening session will leave your smile several shades brighter, erasing years worth of tooth discoloration. At Community Dental Group we can whiten your smile in just an hour!


Over The Counter Versus In Office Tooth Whitening

There are a variety of tooth whitening products available over the counter, in drugstores or the pharmacy aisle of your local supermarket. However, the tooth whitening procedures available in a dental office are far more effective than any over the counter whitening product. Up to ten times more effective, to be exact.

The tooth whitening treatment offered at Community Dental Group is a multistep process. First, we thoroughly clean your teeth. Next, we overlay your tooth enamel with a special whitening gel. We then activate this specialized gel using a medical laser. No pre-packaged tooth-whitening product is this involved or this effective.

Another good reason to opt for an in-office tooth whitening session performed by a trained dental professional instead of an over the counter or DIY tooth whitening procedure is related to safety concerns. The American Dental Association recommends that any whitening procedure be preceded by a thorough dental examination. This ensures that any potential problems that might be exacerbated by bleaching will be spotted beforehand. You won’t get this sort of careful examination out of a box, so it’s always best to visit your dentist’s office for tooth whitening services.

At Community Dental Group, we’ve been keeping California smiles beautiful for nearly twenty years! Call us at 805-499-1253 to schedule a tooth whitening session today. Whiten and brighten your smile with the safe, effective whitening procedures performed at Community Dental Group.