Entries by CommunityDentalGroup

A Deeper Reason For Your Fatigue

We all get that feeling sometimes. That feeling when you have slept for a full eight hours, but seem to be dragging through the day. Often there is a good reason for our sleepiness; maybe we are coming down with a cold, maybe the weather is making us burn our energy to stay warm, or […]

Feels Like Something Is Missing

If you have ever been without a tooth for whatever reason, you know the feeling of embarrassment that can come with it. Maybe you smile without opening your mouth, or casually cover your mouth with your hand while you speak to people. You might even start to use non-verbal expressions like head-nodding, hand waving, and […]

Periodontal What?!?

When you hear the words periodontal disease, it paints a vivid picture in your mind. The word disease in itself causes people to shudder and hope that they never have to face it head on. In order to keep your body healthy, you must remember to keep your teeth healthy as well.

Sealant: The Proactive Filling

You may have heard of the cosmetic applications of tooth bonding, the method where dentists use a special resin to recast your teeth to remove gaps and restore chips and worn-down areas. However, this resin is protective as well as cosmetic, and it’s possible to use it on molars just as easily as on the […]

Why Do Teeth Hurt?

Unlike just about every other part of your body, including the bones, the outer layer of every one of your teeth is dead. Enamel is almost 100 percent mineral, which means it’s more like a seashell than a bone. It also means that when you get a toothache, it’s not the enamel that’s hurting. So […]