Tooth Loss Leads To Bone Loss

Tooth Loss Leads To Bone Loss It’s an unfortunate fact of life; accidents happen. Bones break, skins sears, and cuts and bruises show up at the worst possible moment. You can try to be careful, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Thankfully, your body can handle many of the things that come at you. Plus, stitches, splints, and Band-Aids can get you back on track in no time. Read more

Clean Teeth Has Its Advantages

Clean Teeth Has Its Advantages CleaningSome people are afraid to go to the dentist. They avoid going until they have a dental emergency; a cracked tooth or an intense amount of pain is often what leads people into the dentist’s chair. What most people don’t understand is: if they just got regular cleanings, they wouldn’t end up in so much pain to begin with. Read more

Sensitive Gums And You

Sensitive Gums And YouWhen many people think about the dentist, it is usually teeth and dental problems that we think of first. While dental care is a big part of the job, it’s not the only thing your dentist is helping you care for. Along with your pearly whites, the health of your gums plays a huge part in your oral hygiene and staying healthy. Read more

Oral Hygiene Basics You Should Know

Oral Hygiene Basics You Should KnowEver had an elderly neighbor or grandparent tell you how much they had wished they could go back and take better care of their teeth? Sadly, even in this modern age it can be all too easy to neglect our oral care between working long days and making sure others are taken care of. Sometimes you may even feel lucky if you are able to get a little brushing in at all. Read more

Has Your Baby Seen The Dentist Yet?

Has Your Baby Seen The Dentist Yet?We all should know just how important it is to see the dentist with you are an adult. Our dental professionals are one of your most crucial defenses against plaque, oral infections, teeth misalignment and can even spot the warning signs for a few serious diseases. However, most adults do not realize that babies and small children need to see their dentist too. Read more

Is Your Nighttime Snoring Something More?

Is Your Nighttime Snoring Something More?Unless you share a living space with someone else, you may have a hard time knowing whether you actually have a snoring problem at all. However, for those who do, you probably hear about it a lot more than you might like to. While this loud and gargling noise can be a good laugh sometimes, it could also be a sign of something a bit more serious. Read more

Mind The Gaps

Mind The Gaps Summer is here and with it, a great excuse to BBQ! All of the good stuff is coming your way, from corn-on-the-cob to thick juicy steaks on the grill. It all sounds great, unless you have missing teeth. Read more

Is Your Smile Ready To Say Cheese?

Is Your Smile Ready To Say Cheese? Summer is on the way. It’s a great time of year to reconnect with friends and family that you might not have seen for a while. High school and college reunions are happening, as well as the yearly family reunions. No matter where you are, everyone has a camera to record the memories of the moment. After all, you never know if this might be the last time you have a picture of you and Aunt Jennie. But the last thing you want to see in your picture is a discolored smile; that’s one memory you can do without. Read more

Protect Your Gums, Protect Your Health

Protect Your Gums, Protect Your HealthPeriodontal disease, or gum disease, is something that can happen to anyone. It can happen slowly over time until you suddenly suffer from the effects, which are not very pleasant. Though some of the factors can contribute to gum disease are self-explanatory, some of the factors might surprise you: Read more

Tongue And Cheek: A Canker Sore Story

Tongue And Cheek: A Canker Sore StorySometimes, mouth pain goes beyond a toothache. One day you’re feeling fine, watching TV or driving in your car, when you suddenly notice a sore spot on your tongue or cheek. You try to ignore it, but once you notice it, you can’t forget about it. If it’s on your tongue, you touch it to your tooth; if it’s in your cheek, you touch it with your tongue. You can’t stop trying to figure out what’s going on and the more you touch it, the more sensitive it gets. Finally it’s in full-blown irritation mode and the sensitivity can be enough to drive you mad! Welcome to the world of the canker sore. Read more