What Are The Main Reasons To Consider Oral Surgery For Dental Implants?

What Are The Main Reasons To Consider Oral Surgery For Dental Implants?When patients first find out that they might benefit from oral surgery, it’s not unusual to feel a little bit intimidated. After all, most people consider surgery to be a major step and something that could have significant complications. Read more

These Subtle Signs Show You That It’s Time For A Teeth Cleaning

These Subtle Signs Show You That It’s Time For A Teeth CleaningIf your teeth are in good condition and you are healthy overall, then it’s a good idea to get a teeth cleaning at least once a year. However, there are also occasions where it could be very valuable to get an “extra” one done. Read more

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush Or Toothbrush Head?

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush Or Toothbrush Head?When you get used to using a particular toothbrush, you might not think too frequently about the idea that it needs to be changed on a regular basis. If your toothbrush is working for you, then a bit of maintenance like this can be easily overlooked. Read more

What Are The Best Foods For Supporting Whiter, Healthier Teeth?

What Are The Best Foods For Supporting Whiter, Healthier Teeth?Your diet impacts every part of your body, including your teeth and gums. When it comes to making sure that your teeth will be supporting you throughout your life, it’s important to note that your mouth is a lot more complex than it looks.

Although teeth may seem hard and uniform, almost like rocks, they are living parts of your body. Each tooth is filled with a variety of soft tissues as well as a nerve ending. Throughout the whole course of your life, your teeth are intimately connected to your nervous system and brain. Read more

What Are The Worst Foods To Eat When It Comes To Keeping Your Teeth White?

What Are The Worst Foods To Eat When It Comes To Keeping Your Teeth White?It’s no surprise that what you eat has a major impact on the overall health of your teeth. However, many people don’t realize just how profound the effect of your diet on your teeth can really be.

If you are thinking about teeth whitening or just trying to maintain a whiter smile yourself, there are definitely some foods that you should moderate your intake of — or avoid entirely. Being aware of these will help you to get and maintain better results. Read more

How Should Your Dental Hygiene Change When You Get An Infection?

How Should Your Dental Hygiene Change When You Get An Infection?Have you ever noticed that things change in your mouth when you have a seemingly unrelated infection? While you might be concerned about your dental health if you notice unusual symptoms in your mouth while ill, there is not usually much to worry about.

When you have a viral or bacterial infection such as bronchitis, you might find that you develop small lesions within the mouth. Sometimes, this sort of discomfort is part of the infection process and, as long as you are caring for the infection, you probably do not need to worry. Read more

Is It Really True Your Toothbrush Is A Breeding Ground For Germs?

Is It Really True Your Toothbrush Is A Breeding Ground For Germs?In today’s health-conscious society, many people are concerned about the sources of illness that might be around them. In addition to maintaining a healthy diet and proper exercise, it’s vital to notice and be aware of things that might lead to infection.

Although we each use toothbrushes every day, when handled incorrectly they can be a source of contact with germs and even viruses. Bacteria can thrive in warm, wet environments such as the common bathroom, so it’s important to take risk factors into account. Read more

For Whiter Teeth, Cut Down On Cola Drinks

For Whiter Teeth, Cut Down On Cola DrinksWhat is the one thing that’s making it more difficult than anything else for you to maintain a whiter, healthier smile? Believe it or not, the answer could be your cola intake, especially if you are drinking colas with lots of added sugar.

Many people have seen viral videos on the internet where cola has been used to clean metals, has been boiled down to show just how much syrup is used in it or — perhaps most tellingly — has been used to soak and ultimately destroy a lost tooth. Read more

Put Aside Those Whitening Pastes And Other Gimmicks And “Go For” Cosmetic Dentistry

Put Aside Those Whitening Pastes And Other Gimmicks And “Go For” Cosmetic DentistryThe team at Community Dental Group understands that having a bright, white smile can be a huge motivator for people. Even if you find brushing tedious, feel flossing is uncomfortable, or have sensitivity that makes dental care difficult, odds are you still want white teeth.

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Wisdom Tooth Extraction Is The Most Common Oral Surgery

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Is The Most Common Oral SurgeryWhen it comes to oral surgery, many millions of Americans are united by this one fact: They have all had their wisdom teeth removed. Whether a single tooth or the entire set, wisdom teeth have a tendency to cause issues within the mouth and need to be taken out.

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