Should You Choose Over The Counter Or Dentist Tooth Whitening?

Should You Choose Over The Counter Or Dentist Tooth WhiteningSome people wonder whether they can get tooth whitening results that are “just as good as a dentist” if they use over the counter whitening aids. Is there any advantage to going to the dentist for whitening versus using the best commercial products?

Let’s set aside the fact that some products may not be able to live up to their claims — many commercial whitening products really are effective in whitening teeth. So, how does a dentist stack up by comparison? Let’s look at some of the reasons why a dentist is preferable.

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What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea And How Can My Dentist Help?

What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea And How Can My Dentist HelpIn the United States, we are facing a serious public health crisis when it comes to the quality and quantity of sleep. In our overworked era, people often feel that sleep is a secondary priority and put it off as much as possible. This can have serious — and tragic — health effects.

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What Is The Story Behind The Condition Some Call “Chalk Teeth”?

What Is The Story Behind The Condition Some Call “Chalk Teeth”Depending on where you were raised in the United States and what kind of dental practices run in your family, you may have heard of the term “chalk teeth.” This colloquial term describes teeth that are weaker and more prone to issues than average.

Dental issues simply seem to run in some families. However, do some people have teeth that are significantly weaker than others? And does that mean that they are more prone to cavities than the average person?

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How To Get Back In The Flossing Habit And Make Life Easier

How To Get Back In The Flossing Habit And Make Life EasierAre you one of the millions of Americans who doesn’t floss on a regular basis? If so, one of the most important things that you can do is this: Stop feeling guilty about it!

Yes, flossing is important. In fact, nothing else can stand in for the benefits that we get from flossing, since it can help prevent the development of plaque between teeth.

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Are You Concerned About Receding Gums?

Are You Concerned About Receding GumsWhat does it mean to say that someone is “long in the tooth”? As we grow older, it is natural for the gum line to recede away from the teeth, which makes them look larger. However, does this mean that our days of good gum health are numbered?

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What Are The Steps For Recovering From Oral Surgery?

What Are The Steps For Recovering From Oral SurgeryRecovering from oral surgery is very similar to recovering from other forms of surgery. The key to a faster and more effective recovery is to ensure that you get plenty of rest and don’t overwork the affected are –, in this case your teeth and jaws.

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A Tooth Cleaning Is An Important Part Of Your Ongoing Tooth Care

A Tooth Cleaning Is An Important Part Of Your Ongoing Tooth CareMost people should consider getting a dental cleaning of the teeth every six months. Some, who are prone to cavities or want to work harder to ensure their teeth are well, may even get a cleaning every four months.

Do you need cleanings in order to maintain healthy teeth? Can you go without them as long as you remember to brush and floss daily? This is a question that we receive on a regular basis here at Community Dental Group.

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Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help Keep You Motivated To Maintain Your Oral Health

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help Keep You Motivated To Maintain Your Oral HealthMillions of people all around the United States have enjoyed the benefits of cosmetic dentistry. At Community Dental Group, we are glad to have helped thousands of people to discover our great cosmetic dentistry services over twenty years of treatment.

As you may already know, cosmetic dentistry consists of procedures that are intended to help you get a whiter and brighter smile. Unlike preventative and restorative dentistry, these procedures don’t address the underlying health of teeth and gums.

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What Is The Difference Between Obstructive And Central Sleep Apnea?

What Is The Difference Between Obstructive And Central Sleep ApneaAt Community Dental Group, we believe that dental health is one of the most important factors when it comes to your overall well-being. On the subject of treatment for sleep apnea, this is definitely the case.

Sleep apnea is a common sleeping disorder, though it is one that gets talked about less often than “ordinary” insomnia. With the right help from your dentist, your obstructive sleep apnea can be a thing of the past.

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What’s The Big Deal About Flossing? It Can Save You Money

What’s The Big Deal About Flossing? It Can Save You MoneyAccording to the American Dental Association, just over 50{3b0f9398becb40f4bdd8fe95c600d2c252c33730296b97da1b334948809cb5c4} of Americans floss every day. On the other hand, 31{3b0f9398becb40f4bdd8fe95c600d2c252c33730296b97da1b334948809cb5c4} of Americans floss on an irregular basis — less often than once a day — and about 18{3b0f9398becb40f4bdd8fe95c600d2c252c33730296b97da1b334948809cb5c4} of all Americans surveyed do not floss at all.

It might surprise you to learn that so many people don’t floss, but when it comes to maintaining healthy teeth, they’re at a disadvantage. Not flossing makes you more likely to experience tooth decay and require a dentist’s help later on! Read more