The Mental Side Of Dental Floss

The Mental Side Of Dental FlossWhen it comes to good oral hygiene, a complete routine of brushing, flossing, and swishing should be utilized at least twice a day. However, while the importance of flossing is recognized by our Newbury Park clients, we also find that many people feel this is more of supportive practice to actual brushing, and often forgo this task in favor of conserving time. Read more

How To Stop Halitosis

How To Stop HalitosisNobody wants to have halitosis! Bad breath is bad news. It can adversely affect your job, your relationships, and your self-esteem. Bad breath usually originates in the gums or tongue. Debris or bacterial wastes hanging around your mouth manufacture a sulfur compound that causes an unpleasant odor. Poor oral hygiene can be a contributing factor to bad breath but there are other causes as well, such as gum disease or sinus problems. Read more

Taking A Deeper Look Within

Taking A Deeper Look WithinWhen it comes to dental health, cosmetic appearances can become just as important as the actual physical functions that are being supported. At Community Dental Group, Inc., we often work with clients who initially contacted us for health care, and have also come to find that their emotional care is deeply tied to this process. The result of seeking professional care in dentistry then becomes a step towards overall wellness.

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Some Unpleasant Facts About Oral And General Health

Some Unpleasant Facts About Oral And General HealthThe quality of a person’s oral health can be as much based on genetics and family history for tooth disease as it can be based on the routine practices of brushing, flossing, and especially getting regular check-ups. At Community Dental Group, Inc., we often see clients who feel as though dental issues have come as a sudden surprise, when these problems have actually been developing over time. Read more

Those Bloody Gums!

Those Bloody Gums!While some redness along the gum line after brushing can be common this is not the same as actual bleeding, which can be indicative of periodontal disease. Unfortunately, many Thousand Oaks residents may think that they are engaging in proper oral health practices, when clues coming from the gums are indicating otherwise. This also means that good oral hygiene can include the practice of being attentive, as much as it can include brushing and flossing.

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The Ideal Hygiene Routine For Your Teeth

The Ideal Hygiene Routine For Your TeethProper hygiene for your teeth can limit your needed trips to the dentist, and the visits you do have will be far more pleasant if your teeth are kept clean and healthy! Good hygiene for your teeth will typically take a little more than the customary twice per day brushing sessions, but incorporating it into your routine is well worth it for the fresh, clean, and healthy smile you’ll have as a result! At Community Dental Group, we want to help you to craft and keep up with a great oral hygiene routine, and we are going to do this by outlining the 3 steps to oral hygiene that you cannot miss: Read more

Is Flossing Really Important?

Is Flossing Really Important?At Community Dental Group, we often hear our patients ask if flossing is really all that important, and the only answer we can give is a resounding yes! You may think you’ve reached every nook and cranny with a simple twice per day brushing routine, but you’d be amazed at all the plaque and debris you’re actually missing! The decision not to floss can be the decision to put yourself at risk for tooth decay, and we want all of our Thousand Oaks, Newbury Park, and Westlake Village, California patients to know the power and the importance of the floss! Read more

Technique Is Everything, For Oral Health And A Beautiful Smile

Technique Is Everything, For Oral Health And A Beautiful SmileFor most residents in Newbury Park, CA, brushing regularly is a part of the regular routine for the day. However, the techniques and amount of attention that is paid to dental health can greatly vary. This may be based on:

  • Leaned habits for oral hygiene
  • Special oral concerns, including dentures or bone degeneration
  • Genetic factors for naturally harder or softer teeth
  • Lifestyle habits and environmental factors that influence oral health

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Let’s Talk Tongues

Let's Talk TonguesAt Community Dental Group, we are committed to helping all of our clients in the Newbury Park, CA, are achieve a better state of wellness that impacts all of a person’s quality of life. Oral hygiene and dental health are key components to preventive care that can also reduce risk factors for such conditions as: Read more

Oral Health And Whole Body Health

Oral Health And Whole Body HealthAlong with a number of health initiatives that have evolved from current health care changes, preventive and proactive care is a major focus for the population. In the process of identifying health risk factors, oral hygiene has risen as one of the more prominent issues that is under-addressed in our society. Read more